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Scholarship Award

Scholarship Information

Thank you for your interest in the World Tang Soo Do Foundation Region 22 Scholarship Award.

The WTSDF is a 501 (c3) and is the charitable arm of the World Tang Soo Do. Each region has the opportunity to participate in providing merits based scholarships for WTSDA members in good standing who are college students or high school seniors who will be attending an accredited college or university program in the upcoming academic year.

Region 22 is accepting applicants that meet the general requirements. Applications must be emailed by June 30 to

Note:The scholarship application has moved to an electronic submission format. Please refer to the application electronic submission instructions included in the packet for details.

If you intend to apply for the 2024 cycle, please begin by filling out the following contact information form: Intent to Apply Form

You must complete and return the application packet in order to be evaluated by the selection committee. Fillable PDF forms for the entire packet as well as individual recommendations are available below.

Full Application:

Click here to download the FULL application packages with all instructions and forms.

Individual Instructions and Forms:

General Requirements and Instructions
Candidate Information and Questions (Fillable)
Instructor Recommendation (Fillable)
Academic Recommendation (Fillable)
Personal Recommendation (Fillable)
Application Checklist (Fillable)

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

Tang Soo!

Mr. Scott Dible
World Tang Soo Do Foundation
Region 22 Scholarship Committee Chairperson

The information/content within the pages of the World Tang Soo Do Association web site is the sole property of the World Tang Soo Do Association. The images and information contained herein may not be reproduced without the express written permission of the World Tang Soo Do Association.

The World Tang Soo Do Association is not responsible for the content of any information contained in a website which is linked to our home site.

The World Tang Soo Do Association
2436 Hanford Road
Burlington, NC 27215
Phone: (336)-223-0056 or (215)-468-2121
fax: 215-336-2121

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