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Title Instructor Address City ST ZIP Phone Number Website
A Mountain Wind Martial Arts Master Susan M. Strohm 1510 Martin Street State College PA 16803 (814) 883-8783
Appalachia Tang Soo Do Master Roy W. Donaldson Phillipsburg YMCA, 113 N 14th St Philipsburg PA 16866 (724) 622-7372 N/A
Buckeye Tang Soo Do Master Mark Holtman Indianola Informal K8 - 251 E Weber Rd Columbus OH 43202 (614)208-7928
Central Ohio Tang Soo Do Mr. Eric Thomas Licking County Family YMCA - Western Branch 355 W. Broad Street Pataskala OH 43062 614-653-8404 N/A
Hidden Tiger Tang Soo Do Mr. Robert Greco Butler County Family YMCA, 339 North Washington St. Butler PA 16001 724-355-5056
Imperial Dragon Tang Soo Do Mr. Rashaud Olson 310 Main Street Imperial PA 15126 (724)695-1976
In Neh Martial Arts Master Allyson Holbrook 127 E Mill St. Circleville OH 43113 (708) 308-2338
Johnstown Tang Soo Do Master Bob Manculich 192 Iron Street Johnstown PA 15906 (814) 659-2215 N/A
Keystone Martial Arts Master Richelle Jorgensen Rose E. Schneider Family YMCA 2001 Ehrman Rd. Cranberry Township PA 16066 (724) 544-3102
Keystone Martial Arts II Master Mark Jorgensen 422 Mill St Coraopolis PA 15108 (412)262-1819
Penn State Martial Arts Group Dr. Herschel Pangborn Intramural Building - Wrestling Room University Park PA 16802
Rising River Martial Arts Ms. Christina Mrkonja 603 Lincoln Avenue Pittsburgh PA 15202
River Forge Martial Arts Ms. Abby McFarland 347 Georgetown Road Beaver Falls PA 15010 (724) 544-3801 N/A
River Valley Tang Soo Do Academy Master Scott C. Homschek 625 Merchant St Ambridge PA 15003 (724)266-6330
Tri-County Tang Soo Do Master Richard L. Panebianco 164 Main Street Ridgway PA 15853 (814)773-3226
Tri-County Tang Soo Do - DuBois Mr. Doug Walk 25 Parkway Dr. Dubois PA 15801 (814) 375-9622 N/A
Western Pa. Martial Arts Mr. Jonathan Schlegel 135 Scribe Ave Apt 1 Homer City PA 15748 (814)553-4031 N/A

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The World Tang Soo Do Association is not responsible for the content of any information contained in a website which is linked to our home site.

The World Tang Soo Do Association
2436 Hanford Road
Burlington, NC 27215
Phone: (336)-223-0056 or (215)-468-2121
fax: 215-336-2121

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